Saturday, May 31, 2008

Thomas Hoyer Workshops

I took a four day workshop with Thomas Hoyer from Germany this past weekend. I've finally uploaded it to my website. Lots of samples.

The first day was an introduction to the Ruling Pen. Sunday were two half days, the morning was Flourishing and the afternoon was Watercolor Letters. Neither were a long enough class. I wanted waaaay more. Then Monday and Tuesday was Ruling Pen - Beyond the rules.

I mainly used a Haff 629 ruling pen, but did borrow Thomas's Ruling Writer (which I have now ordered from Paper & Inks) and I also used a Haff 231, but I don't have any samples uploaded using that pen. I only did some exercises with it.

I loved playing with all my colored Ecoline watercolors, also some gouache with gold powder floating on top and a bit of FW acrylic paint with iridescent medium mixed in. Used my Twinkles H2o's too, but nothing of that uploaded.

Hope you enjoy the samples.

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