Thursday, November 13, 2008

A couple more gilded cards

I just bought a really nice holly/berry stamp from The Peddler's Pack Stampworks and couldn't resist gilding it. (Big Grin). I'm very happy with the way it turned out.

Then I needed a thank you card, but with real gold this time, so used one of the designs that I had done as a prototype. But it was a definite learning experience doing it with real gold. It ended up have two layers of gold on most of the gilded area, with some sections having three layers. It bothered me that some of my black cardstock showed through, so I kept adding gold... but like the end result non the less. I also ditched the first attempt of the red variegated section. I had done that with a single piece of leaf and had to fix a few spots that the leaf didn't attach to. Boy, was that a glaringly obvious mistake... So this second card I did a patch technique, so no obvious pattern was visible, just variations of color. One day I'll get real good and do it in a single layer. Of course it might have had something to do with the paper I was using which is very difficult to gild on.
Click on either image to go to that page on my website. Enjoy

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