Sunday, February 1, 2009

Yalpha Mingle #12 Feb 09

February's page is the last of the Yalpha Mingle pages. Sigh... As I usually do when learning a new technique or something, I try to put into practice right away. Reinforces the instructions into my grey matter... BIG GRIN So that's what I did for this mingle page. Designed a husked heart and added a husked dragonfly. The fiber is attached to a card that pulls out with a bunch of humorous jokes and quotes. Click on image to go to my website for detail pic and details. Enjoy


Art By Wanda said...

Yogi, I'm so glad to hear that everything is still going fabulously with your Cochlear. I agree that attitude makes a huge difference.. in EVERYTHING!!

I totally love your your quilled dragonfly atcs and your Yalpha page!!! Dragonflies are a favorite of mine too!!!

Maria Matter said...

Yogi, this is so lovely! Your heart and! You have a beautiful blog!!!
Blessings, Maria

Beth Akins said...

wonderful! i'm a big dragonfly fan. beautiful quilling