Wednesday, October 24, 2012

More Quietfire Design FREE rubber to win

Here is another opportunity for you to win Quietfire Stamps!  This is easy! - just become a Follower of our Quietfire Creations Blog.  (click the link at left)
You can do that by subscribing to Quietfire Creations Blog Posts by email or by clicking "Join this site" (that's the Quietfire site, not mine...)

Three lucky followers will win grab bags of Quietfire Design rubber stamps!

But wait! There's more.

Want to double your chances of winning?  All you have to do is subscribe by email AND Join the Quietfire Creations site. (If you're already subscribed and/or Following, you're already entered!)

On November 3rd, we'll randomly draw three lucky winners!

Thanks for following us and good luck!

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