Wednesday, January 2, 2013

DT Jan/13 - Quill Weed Love

inside card
My turn on the Quietfire Creations Design Blog - 1st for the new year... Hope you had a Happy New Year and a wonderful holiday season. Now back to the grindstone. BIG GRIN

Thought I'd do a simple quilled project for a change. These coils are the most basic coil in the quilling repertoire - no quilling tools required, just some nimble fingers and a pointed tool like an awl point or pin point, a dab of white glue and some paper - either quilling strips if you have them or just cut some strips from copy paper 1/8"w.

Anyway you can see the details and descriptions on the Quietfire Creations Blog or on my web site here. You can also click on these images for a larger view.

Enjoy and I hope you try  your hand at making these coils.

1 comment:

Leslie Miller said...

Oh, my...beautiful outside and in! You make it sound easy, but your nimble fingers are a blessing to go with your skill.