Friday, February 28, 2025

Black Out Friday

 I have turned off my internet to support Black Out Friday

People of Canada are preparing to create a retail blackout on Feb 28 of all U.S retailers doing business here.
For one day, show them we have the power when provoked. Absolutely no purchases from Walmart, Home Depot, Best Buy, Amazon, McDonald’s, Staples, Gap, Toys r Us , Costco or any other US retailers.
For one day, support only small or large CANADIAN or MEXICAN producers and companies. It’s time to STAND UP for ourselves.
BE STRONG AND BE PROUD. Spread the word! Be Proud Canadian, please support 100%, inform family and friends.

I will be back tomorrow…

1 comment:

Leslie Miller said...

I support you. I hope you know that that our country is in the hands of an idiot who got there by means of power, greed, and corruption, and he's hurting us more than anyone. Most of us are ashamed and embarrassed that the world thinks we elected him. No. The world sees the uninformed few, the noisy buffoons that the the press puts on display because they get more coverage than your average reasonable person. They did not elect him, nor did we reasonable people. The filthy rich and their minions put him in office, and the rest of us can only hope to get through this somehow. There is a vast number of Americans observing Black Out Friday as well. Good luck.