I've been playing with Tyvek on Sunday and this is an ATC made as a result. I was having a lot of fun. (it also turned out to use black cardstock and be an ATC, which is this week's Created By hand challenge)
I used the Tyvek I got From Quietfire Design and cut my sheet into smaller pieces about 6" x 6" or so. I colored it before heating it. I tried my Derwent Inktense watercolor pencils, which didn't work as well as I would have liked. The Tyvek acted more like a resist to them. So then I tried some watercolors (Daniel Smith)straight from the tube on a misted piece of Tyvek. I added a bit of Gold Gouache (Maimerie) and I like the results. I also tried diluted Adirondack Color washes (worked well). I heated it carefully to speed up the drying of my watercolors, but not enough to start the shrinking process. When the paint was basically dry, I then used 2 pieces of my melt art mats (one under my Tyvek and one to press down after it started deforming and was still hot). I kept heating, pressing down, turning it over and repeating the proces until I got what I wanted (I used a long needle awl to hold my Tyvek in place while heating it). Some are also done with a hot iron, but I used a TOO hot iron and they became like an acrylic film which I lifted from the melt art mat. Different effect. I like both methods. I'm still going to be experimenting. I want to try selective heating with a clover iron and with the tip of my regular iron, etc etc. But here's what I've done so far.
PS I'll be putting a link to my website with more details and the rest of the ATC's (5 more so far)within the next day or so.
OKay the link is on the pic. Enjoy
beautiful ATC!
Wow wonderful ATC.
Wow, what a fabulous ATC !
Gorgeous!! Love what you have done with the Tyvek...great colors in your ATC.
Fascinating! I love the effects you've achieved - it's such fun experimenting isn't it? :)
SUCH unique results!
I've not used this tyvek - but you certainly make it look very appealing.
Unique and so interesting - as always!
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