Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pan Pastel Backgrounds

I recently made an ABC-XYZ book and the inside pages were all bordered with Pan Pastels. What youmay not have realized is the masks that I used to create the borders have now become fabulous backgrounds on three cards. The overlaying of color and repeated spraying of Krylon Workable Fixative just made a scrumptious background. I had made a lot of border pages so I ended up get 3 masks. I will have to make more border pages (Big Grin) because I want more of these backgrounds. They glow. They were done on white cardstock and the colors just brushed off from the edge of the mask onto each page so the central portion had just an inkling of color allowing the white of the paper to show through. I ended up with 3 masks because when I was spraying the fixative it would of course build up and take a while to dry before I was able to use it again. So I alternated between masks. Enjoy.

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