Thursday, January 16, 2025

Scribbled Lives - wk 1B - Gilda Radner

wk 1B - Gilda Radner
Size: 6"sq
On a Edge Mixed Media paper using Uniball gold gel pen to outline the letters (Mykolas Saulytis - 36 days of Type 2019). Coloring with Posca colored pencils and a Lyra Splendor Blender. Added a black line to create a 3D letter.

words: It's always something. Gilda Radner

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Abstract Balls Doodle - Organic Affinity

size: 5"sq
I've recently come across on Facebook (NeuroClub - For NeuroGraphica and Art Lovers) artwork that I love... doodling and circles. So I played a bit...
On Edge Mixed Media paper using a Zig Writer, Posca colored pencils, Lyra Splendor Blender and Juice Up pen.

words: There is an affinity between joyousness and tenderness, and their companionship in the saintly life need in no way occasion surprise. William James

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Soap Bubble Art 2 - Light And Shadow

size: 9.5"w x 7.75"h
I was in a mood to do some soap bubble blowing artwork... As I found out adding too much color on the large bubbles creates big blobs when the sink to the paper...
On Fabriano Mixed Media paper using water with soap detergent blew bubbles and then transferred them to my paper, dropping some of the Ecoline inks onto the bubbles (Lt Green, Sky Blue Cyan, Scarlet, Dp Yellow). When dry,  added graphite shadows blending with a paper stump in the large holey areas...
Quote written with a Brause 515 nib and Bleed Proof White ink in a pointed pen Bookhand style.

words: Light and shadow are opposite sides of the same coin. We can illuminate our paths or darken our way. It is a matter of choice. Maya Angelou

Monday, January 13, 2025

Soap Bubble Art - My Soul Is Full

Size: 10"w x 7.75"h
I was in a mood to do some soap bubble blowing artwork... As I found out from the first piece I did I had to be careful not to drop too much ink onto the bubbles or I'd get no bubbles and a bunch of solid blotches...
On Fabriano Mixed Media paper using water with soap detergent blew bubbles and then transferred them to m paper, dropping some of the Ecoline inks onto the bubbles (Lt Green, Sky Blue Cyan, Scarlet, Dp Yellow). When dry, doodled with white and gold gell pens and Juice Up pens and some Bleed Proof white ink with a pointed nib.
Quote written with a Zebra nib and Sumi ink in a pointed pen foundational style.

words: My soul is full of longing for the sea, and the heart of the great ocean sends a thrilling pulse through me.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Fire Doodle - Strongest Steel

size: 6.5"sq
On Edge Mixed Media paper drew my fiery doodled design using various sizes of Pitt Artist Fine Liner pens.  Colored with Black Edition colored pencils and Unibal gold gel pen.
Text written in elongated monoline with a .7 Pitt pen.
words: Out of the strongest fire comes the strongest steel. Chinese Proverb

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Abstract Leaves- Colores Of The Spirit

size: 7.5"w x 7"h
On Edge Mixed Media paper drew my leaf design using Pitt Artist Fine Liner pens.  Painted with Holbien blue and green paint mix and some of the W/N yellow. The bulbous thingies... with Winsor Newton red and yellow. Added some variegated leaf balls at the end of the leaves.
Text written in elongated monoline with a .7 Pitt pen.
words: Nature always wears the colors of the spirit. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, January 10, 2025

Scribbled Lives - Wk2 - Napkin - OK

Size: 6"sq
On a misc napkin using Artistro Brush paint pens (blue & yellow) and a black  Zig Writer. Funky OK and Dot lettering for text.
PS the date looks like 24 but is 25 with some part didn't scan right...

words: OK it's a napkin

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Doodle To Your Hearts Content

size: 5.5" sq
On black scrapbook cardstock drew out my circles design using every color of Gelly Roll metallic gel pens I have... (use 'm of loose 'm...). Then added the text around the design.
words: Doodle to your hearts content

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Doodled Weave - Your Imagination

size: 5.5"w x 6"h
On Edge Mixed Media paper drew my weave design using various sizes of Pitt Artist Fine Liner pens.  Colored the rocks using Posca colored pencils. Text outlined with a thin black Pitt pen and colored around the letters. Gold gel pen accents added.
words: The only limit is your imagination.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Ginkgo Leaves - Ginkgo Tree

size: 6.5" sq
On Edge Mixed Media paper drew my Ginkgo leaf design using a Juice Up pens. Lettering done with a Zebra pointed pen nib and Sumi ink in a script style.
words: Ginkgo tree, a living tale, of epochs past, of winds that wail. Its branches spread, its leaves unfold, a wonder in the green and gold.
Timeless Ginkgo - Sebastian Watts

Monday, January 6, 2025

Gold Leaf - Blossom & Flourish

size: 6"sq
Mentioned in my previous post haven't gilded in years... I used a different needle nose bottle (I think a smaller nib hole but can't tell by eyesight), but my lines are slightly thinner. Still getting the blobs at the junctions... practice...

On Fabriano 1264 paper gilded my design using US ArtQuest Duo adhesive in a needle nose bottle. Gilded with an unknown brand of imitation gold leaf. Painted with various brands of watercolors.
Text written in Dot Lettering style with a mid tone blue Juice Up pen

words: Our souls cannot be forced to grow, but like flowers our spiritual selves can be nurtured until they blossom and flourish. James Van Praagh

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Gold Leaf Flowers - Your Future

size: 6"w x 7"h
Since I haven't gilded in years... there's a lot to be said about this piece... I'll need to practice a bit more BIG GRIN (or maybe a lot more)

On Black Field Drawing paper gilded my design using US ArtQuest Duo adhesive in a needle nose bottle. Gilded with an unknown brand of imitation gold leaf. Colored with Black Edition colored pencils. Added some pointed pen leafy images using Kuretake Gold Mica ink.
Text written in Gwen Weaver style with the Mica ink and the pointed nib.

words: The best way to predict your future is to create it. Christina L. Farley "Gilded"

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Art Of The Fold - Buttonhole Binding - 2024 Artwork

2024 has come and gone... and since I had given myself a challenge to upload something to social media every day I ended up with a lot of artwork... so I thought I'd better bind it to keep it all together.

I recently saw a buttonhole binding - something I haven't made in several years... so thought it would be perfect to hold all my 2024 artwork not including Scribbled lives artwork - that's a different binding..

I adhered 2 pieces of 110# cream cardstock with a 1" strip for the spine. Created 2 more to give me 3 folios (12 pages). I created 7 more (total of 8 x 12 pages).

Trimmed and adhered artwork to the pages trying to keep it in date order... but that was impossible since some were small pieces of artwork so had several different dates on one page. c'est la vie...

The covers were made from regular cardboard from boxes and covered with a collage of various designs of cork fabric. I wanted a thick cover and was too lazy to pull out my sheets matte board or foam core. Inside of cover adhered a piece of the cream cardstock to keep it neat.

Bound with butterscotch 4ply waxed linen thread in Buttonhole

Added a metal ornament to hold the title on the cover and book corners to save those edges...


Friday, January 3, 2025

Scribbled Lives 2025 - Wk 1 - content has been deleted

The content of this post has been deleted 

Size: 7"sq

On Fabriano Mixed Media paper (I love this paper...) wrote out the quote using a Zebra pointed pen nib, Ecoline inks and Sumi ink in a Blue Rider font style.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Leafy Doodle - Falling Leaves

size: 8" sq
On Edge Mixed Media paper drew my leafy design using a Juice Up pen. The rest of the design with a 0.5 Faber Castell black pen. Lettering done in "Golden Typeface WIP"
words: Falling Leaves

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

BVCG Env Exchange - Dec 2024 - Laurie Broadhurst

ID: Laurie Broadhurst (Dec 2024)
Envie made with Canson Mixed Media paper. Cadel style initial using a 3.4 parallel pen and 2 brushes, one loaded with water and the other 2 with a green and blue watercolor (Holbien Permanent Green #1 & Peacock Blue) dropped into the wetness. Thin lines with a pointed nib.
The card: Wax seal turtle and Dot lettering

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Floral - Black And White Has Imginative Colour

And this is my 366 piece of artwork uploaded this year... I've completed my challenge to myself. Now I can relax and maybe not post as many things... We'll see how long I last. 
I was on a roll for drawing. I LOVE this piece.
size: 8" sq
On Edge Mixed Media paper drew my floral design using a 0.5 Faber Castell black pen adding stippling and linear lines, graphite shading in the flowers. Lettering hand drawn in "Chase Zen Paris font" style and dark area coloured with an FM Faber Castell pen
words: Black and white has imaginative colour

Monday, December 30, 2024

Deco Roses - Coming Up Roses

size: 6" sq
On Edge Mixed Media paper drew my roses using a black and red Juice Up pen. Text with a black Juice Up pen in "Chase Zen Paris Font) altered...
words: Everything is coming up roses.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Pen Ink Curves - Slinkies

I asked my friend what these things looked like so I could figure out a title... She said "Slinkies"
size: 4.5"w x 5.5"h
On Edge Mixed Media paper drew my slinkies... then inked them with a Juice Up pen. Added some shadowing. Text with a Faber Castell 0.1 pen in elongated funky monoline
words: Some people are like slinkies not good for much but bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Pencil Flower - Beautiful

size: 8"w x 3"h
On Edge Mixed Media paper drew my flower with a Juice Up pen adding dot texture in the leaves and heavier details in the flower. Shaded with a Caran d'Ache B pencil and paper stump.
Text in a script style using a Zebra nib and Holbien jet black Gouache
words: Flowers do not worry about how they're going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful. Jim Carrey

For Instagram I need a more square image or it gets cut off...


Friday, December 27, 2024

Doodle Curves - Make Believe

Another doodling day with my friend.
size: 6" sq
On Edge Mixed Media paper using a Zig Writer created the swirly curls design adding red Gelly Roll Metallic gel dots.
Text in one of my funky styles using Holbien jet black Gouache
words: Make-believe colors the past with innocent distortion, and it swirls ahead of us in a thousand ways - in science, in politics, in every bold intention. Shirley Temple

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Painted Squares - Being A Square

size: 4"w x 5.5"h
On Canson Mixed Media paper created the squares  design using a Zig Writer. Painted with various Brush Paint pens and some regular watercolors. Added the text with a Uniball white gel pen and the Zig Writer.

words: Being a square keeps me from going around in circles. J Vernon McGee

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Doodled Stars - Vincent van Gogh

Size: 8.5"sq
On Canson Mixed Media paper using a star template and fine tip Sharpie pen drew out the stars. Painted the background with Holbien "Peacock Blue". Doodled in the stars, then colored some of them with metallic Gelly Roll pens. (That white spot on my colored star is a dust spot on my scanner...ugh). Added a coating of Glossy Accents on the colored star.

Text written with a Zebra nib and Holbien black gouache.

words: for my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. Vincent van Gogh

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

BFly - Happiness Is Like

size: 9"w x 7.5"h
On Canson Mixed Media paper created the butterfly/floral design. Painted around it with the bullet end of a Zig Writer. Painted with various watercolors adding white Uniball gel pen outlines and dots and pointed pen curly-cues. Adhered to a light blue card base. Text written with a Zebra nib and Holbien black gouache in my type of script writing.

words: Happiness is like a butterfly, which when pursued is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

Monday, December 23, 2024

Doodle - In The Midsr Of Chaos

size: 4"w x 6.5"h
On Canson Mixed Media paper created the abstract design using a Zig Writer. Painted with watercolors and Gansai Tambi gold. Added white Unibal gel pen dots.  Adhered to a mid toned blue cardstock.
Text with a Zebra Nib and Bleed Proof white.

words: In the midst of chaos I found there was within me an invincible calm.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Be Who yoU Want To Be

size: 8"w x 6.5"h
On Stillman &  Birn Nova Tria Mixed Media black paper drew out my letters, outlined with a white Uniball gel pen and colored with Black Edition colored pencils in 2 tones for each letter than put a 3D effect on the right side of each letter. Added curlicues with a gold Juice Up pen.

words: be who (yo)u want to be!

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Abstract Design - 75

Thought I'd create a piece of artwork to celebrate my 75th BD. Three quarter century... sounds ancient. I've never wanted to reach this far...
size: 8.25"sq
On Canson Mixed Media paper using a Zig Writer created the design. Painted with Gansai Tambi #902 red gold, Gem colors #831 & 850 (pink & green), Windsor Newton "Burnt Umber". Glitter Ritz accents Dark Gold & Warm Highlight. Cross Hatching with a brown Juice Up pen. Added a gold sticker gem in the center.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Abstract - ABC - XYZ

Size: 8"sq
On Edge Mixed Media paper using a Juice Up pen and Posca Colored pencils. Doodled in a couple letters. Added the text to rhyme with the last letter in each section with a Zig Writer.
Added some Pan Pastel med gray to the background.
words: That's all I see - I'm out for tea

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Doodled Leaves - The Falling Leaf

I like the result of these leaves...size: 5"w x 6.75"h
On Canson Mixed Media paper created the leaf design with a Sharpie Fine Tip pen. Painted with various brands of watercolors and Artistro metallic Brush Paint pens. Sponge some blue Pan Pastels in the background. Text written with a Zebra nib and Sumi ink. Backed the artwork onto mid toned green scrapbook cardstock.

words: The falling leaf that tells of autumn's death is, in a subtler sense a prophecy of spring. Robert Green Ingersoll

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Doodling _Eye Of The Storm

size: 5.5"w x 6.5"h
On Canson Mixed Media paper created the design with a Sharpie Fine Tip pen. 3D funky lettering. Painted with various brands of watercolors adding white Gelly Roll highlights and a Juice Up pen for the lashes.
Backed the artwork onto mid deep blue scrapbook cardstock.

words: Eye Of The Storm

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Doodled Roots - When Roots Are Deep

Well this doodle looks better in real life... that brown color is way off.
size: 6"sq
On misc white cardstock doodled the roots... Colored the negative areas with a brown Posca colored pencil. Fickle text written with a Zebra nib and Sumi ink.

words: When roots are deep, there is no reason to fear the wind