Saturday, July 1, 2017

Helen Shafer Garcia - Strata Botanica workshop
Hi all. I took a recent one day workshop with Helen Shafer Garcia called Strata Botanica hosted by Elitia Hart here in Calgary on June 17, 2017.

Wonderful teacher, lovely class which was waaaay out of my comfort zone. Thanks Elitia for bringing her to Calgary and opening up your home to us students. It was a lovely day.

I started with another piece twice the size which is still a work in progress, but while I was waiting for things to dry, I started on the above piece and worked it more in my style with some control... BIG GRIN I'm happy with the end result.

You can see details for this piece, and the original piece and a step by step of the process by clicking on the image. Enjoy


Leslie Miller said...

I looked at all of it. Amazing how it starts out compared to the finish. I really like this piece. Pretty colors.

harada57 said...
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