Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Rainbow Maker Day 5 - Stencils Pastes Heart - ECD Hugs - Wishing You Glitter
I'm back with uploading more of the Rainbow Maker onLine card class with Jennifer McGuire I created... And we're on to day 5 which was all about stencils and pastes. This is a very dimensional paste technique.'m using an A Way With Words dies "Hugs" from Elizabeth Craft Designs, also available on Quietfire Design HERE

And using a couple sentiment and design element stamps from Quietfire Design, ("Wishing You Whimsy" 4pce set); ("What Greater Thing is There..." 2pce set) 

Click on any card image to see all the details and descriptions etc. Enjoy

And it fits for these challenges:
Incy Wincy Designs  go wild (went wild with color...)
Crafty Sentiments Challenge  anything goes
TTCRD  #22 - 29 anything goes
We Love to Scrap  #17 anything mixed media

1 comment:

Leslie Miller said...

You're really rolling out the rainbows! Interesting dimensional look to the heart. I love the inside sentiment. Had to go look at the set... Sunshine and puppies -- that's for me!