Sunday, August 2, 2020

Scribbled Lives 2020 Wk 31 - Notan - Sometimes
Scribbled Lives 2020 Wk 31 - Notan - Sometimes. Interesting theme but for some reason I just wasn't in to it, maybe I'm burning out. There are days I just feel like doing NOTHING...

Notan is a Japanese term which literally means "light dark harmony". Artists use "notan studies" to explore different arrangements of light and dark elements in a painting, without having the distraction of other elements like color, texture and finer details.
In practice, this involves painting the darks with black and the lights with white (known as a 2 value notan). Sometimes, gray is also used as an intermediate value (3 or 4 value notans). A notan with more than 4 values is pretty much just a value study.

Click on image to see more details etc. Enjoy

1 comment:

Leslie Miller said...

Interesting and cool looking. I would have a hard time sticking to it this long and consistently, for sure.