Sunday, November 12, 2023

Scribbled Lives 2023 - Wk 45 - Do Over - Risk Takers

Not my favorite topic... I very rarely do something over. I usually just get past whatever I didn't like and I'm off on a new project...

Size: 6"sq
I'm doing over wk 6: New Tool (not that this is a new tool but it is a new lettering style for me...)
On Staples 110# cardstock, drew out the funky geometric letters, inked and shadowed with a Zig Writer, colored with Inktense w/c pencils and a wet paintbrush. 


1 comment:

Leslie Miller said...

I'm with you on the do overs. I was especially bad with sewing projects. If I needed to rip a seam, it may never get finished. I especially love the colors and interesting style on your first sample.