Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Collage Letters - Artists Don't Think They

I was at a ZOOM meeting "Calligraphy Italia" introducing Lieve Cornil's Collage Master Class and thought I'd play a bit... I'm NOT into collage... But this just popped into my brain...
size: 6"w x 7.5"h
I have scrap ends of geli printed papers next to me at my desk and just started cutting out letters (while listening to the talk) and then adhered them to this PINK cardstock...

That sentiment is exactly what I do. I don't stress over what or how to do something - it just pops into my head when I hear a word or topic and I put it down as quickly as possible... sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't - c'est la vie

1 comment:

Leslie Miller said...

This explains how you're always making and trying new ideas -- no fear, no stress, and I love seeing the results.